The process of creating a successful race car begins early in the year with the car's design. Before any tubes are cut and welded, the entire car is designed using CAD (Computer Aided Design) software. This allows us to integrate all the components together and resolve potential problems before manufacturing begins. We manufacture the majority of the parts on the car; parts such as the engine, shocks, and tires are purchased, but even with purchased parts a great deal of customization takes place. For example, while the engine is originally used on a Honda motorcycle, the complete intake, exhaust, fuel, and control systems are custom, leaving the engine design team with a great deal of freedom.

Duke University Motorsports provides one of the most hands-on and iterative engineering design project experiences to complement a rigorous engineering undergraduate curriculum. Based out of Duke's Pratt School of Engineering, students work year round to design, build, and test an open wheel formula style race car. The skills developed, both technical and interpersonal, prepare students to be active leaders and problem-solvers. Each year, the team represents Duke Engineering at FSAE Michigan, where universities gather to compete, network, and showcase their hard work.